Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Capitol Hill College Affordability Hearings

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended) is set to expire this year, which means the 113th Congress has the opportunity to reauthorize (although the last time it expired, it took five years to reauthorize).  Nevertheless, the topic of college affordability and student financial aid is making the rounds around Capitol Hill (and this is just the beginning).  Yesterday, there were two back-to-back hearings, one in Senate committee and one in House of Representatives subcommittee.  See Libby Nelson's article today from Inside Higher Ed, "And So It Begins."

Here are some highlights:

#SenateHELP Committee Hearing (#FixFinAid, #FAchat)

House of Representatives #EDworkforce Hearing (#FixFinAid, #FAchat)

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