Monday, March 18, 2013

Highlights from 3/12/13 #FAchat: Professional Development

The good news is that we have had a lot of folks using the #FAchat tag on twitter this week. The bad news is that we were only able to go back far enough to get the end of the chat. Our apologies for the partial Storify. A full transcript can be viewed here

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March #FAchat Topic: Networking & Professional Development

Join us on Tuesday, March 12, at 12 pm CST for #FAChat.

Discussion Topic: Networking & Professional Development

Conference season is approaching, which is a great tool for networking and professional development, even if you are unable to attend (by following the conference hashtag on the backchannel).  In this chat, we will be discussing how financial aid professionals can take advantage of conferences and other professional development opportunities.  We will also include an opportunity to discuss upcoming presentations, collaborations, and upcoming conference hashtags.  There are also several calls for session proposals and we encourage participants to connect and collaborate in sharing knowledge to the financial aid community.

Please join us on Tuesday, March 12 from 12-1pm CST to discuss networking and professional development for financial aid professionals and other enrollment management professionals.

If you have not joined #FAchat before and you have a Twitter account, you can join via TweetChat at during the time of the chat.  If you do not currently have a Twitter account, but would like to follow along with the chat out, you can do so at the Twitter website.

See you Tuesday!